Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Change the world

So everyone wants to change the world in some way and I'm no different. My hope is that through my actions and art not only will people want to question what governs them but who governs them as well. I find it interesting how much squabbling goes on in politics and how many people play the blame game. People seem to think that blaming a problem on someone will solve it. And yes it might get that person out of that position of authority but it does nothing to fix the damage already done. I also find it interesting how public servants are given many benefits and often the laws they pass don't apply to them. By having my work focus on the surreal I'm hoping to open up peoples minds to the possibility of something else. That what they see in front of them might just be someone else s imagination running wild. It is my hoping that by having my work border on the edge of surreal people might begin to question what is real and valid in the world around them.

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